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About Hopewell...

"To God be the Glory for the things that He hath done with His blood He hath saved us and with His power He hath raised us, to God be the glory." 


Hopewell was organized in 1907 by a few faithful Christians who met for worship in private homes until 1911 when the Grasselli Chemical Company donated a little red house.  It was located at what is now the 4600 Block of Park Avenue SW for a church building.  Subsequently, Hopewell was born, and it was the only church that has ever been in the Hillman community. 


Rev. Barlow was elected the first Pastor. Deacon Roland Thomas was superintendent, Sis. Eula Thomass was secretary and Missionary Society President.  At the time, the members were: Rev. Thomas, Deacon Tillie Howard, Bro. Henry Robinson, Bro. Jim Studimire, Bro. & Sis. Temple, Bro. & Sis Walter Randall and Family, the Dorsey family and a few others. 


In 1926, the faithful few and friends erected a small white wooden church building,  Rt. 1 Box 365 renamed; Avenue K, Bessemer, 4817 Jefferson Avenue SW. The building was burned (by whom it still remains a mystery until today), but the church lived on and God multiplied the numbers during this trying time.  Worship was held in the Masonic Hall (known as Wall Streets) by the streetcar line-now 5005 Park Avenue, 50th Street, SW. 


From 1911-1929 four Pastors led the Hopewell congregation - Rev. Boyd, J. Bryant, Big Taylor, and Little Taylor. The vision to rebuild was forever present and each of these men helps pave the way and contributed to the growth and development of Hopewell.  In March 1929 God blessed Hopewell with a dynamic Leader, Rev. Ed Craig and his family, Sis. Mamie Craig. He was a man with a vision and was determined to rebuild and pay as you go, with forty cash dollars. With that, Rev. Craig along with the faithful few, including children, built the building.  In the late thirties, Sis. Mary George became our 1st musician. In the forties and fifties the neighborhood grew and so did Hopewell. The red brick church was finally built and it was renovated in the '60s and '70s, an Education Building was added, the parking lot was paved, a van & bus was purchased, and additional areas of growth occurred. After 53 years and 10 months or untiring faithful service to God and man, God said, "Well done Rev. Ed Graig". 


May 29, 1983, Rev. Edward E. Rodgers, Ba - a young, energetic, committed man with a vision, became Hopewell's seventh Pastor.  He is determined to serve God and obeying the mandate as stated in Matthew 28:18-20. God has blessed his leadership, the family continues to grow, a new sanctuary seating 1500 people was completed in May 1991 and the Mortgage Burning was in May 1997.  A Mission House of Hope has been purchased as a Foreign Mission Ministry in Nicaragua and other outreach ministries to meet every area of need has become a reality during his leadership. 


Pastor Rodgers is a man that believes that "without a vision, the people will perish".  He is a servant who s determined for HOPEWELL to remain a Beacon of Hope to the WORLD!! 


"To God be the Glory!!"



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